Lasting Hair Solutions for Men and Women


Hair Extension ~ Hair Replacement ~ Hair Restoration

Are you one of the millions of Americans – men and women – who have issues with hair loss or hair thinning?

Not just older women, either: 10 million are under 40. It’s estimated that another 40 million suffer from what is termed “problem hair”, that is, hair that is unusually fine, or sparse, or hair that just won’t grow to any appreciable length.

Hair loss in woman is nothing new, nor is it more prevalent today than it was fifty years ago.

In the past, female hair loss and hair thinning have seen precious few options. Traditionally, wigs have been the accepted solution for women.

But for most women with hair loss issues, their hair is not gone, it’s just thinning. So why cover up the hair you have, or receive more coverage than you really need?

The good new is, with an effective hair loss remedy, you don’t have to!

women_cross1 The Problem for Women

More than 20 million women suffer from hair loss!

Not just older women, either: 10 million are under 40. It’s estimated that another 40 million suffer from what is termed “problem hair”, that is, hair that is unusually fine, or sparse, or hair that just won’t grow to any appreciable length.

Hair loss in woman is nothing new, nor is it more prevalent today than it was fifty years ago.

In the past, female hair loss and hair thinning have seen precious few options. Traditionally, wigs have been the accepted solution for women.

But for most women with hair loss issues, their hair is not gone, it’s just thinning. So why cover up the hair you have, or receive more coverage than you really need?

The good new is, with an effective hair loss remedy, you don’t have to!

RandyPortraitbevel2 The Problem For Men

Fifty million men suffer from hair loss. It’s not just the damage to your ego:

Hair loss accentuates your worst facial features.

If you have a long face, lack of hairline makes it look longer; without hair, there’s more forehead. If your nose is large, having no hairline makes it look bigger; a hairline adds horizontal counter-balance. Without it people just see more nose. Weak chin or low cheekbones? Again, the lack of counter-balance that a hairline would provide accentuates the problem areas. And so on…

Hair loss makes you look older.

Everyone knows that hair loss makes you appear older. Here’s why: Hair loss normally occurs in middle-aged men. So the “going bald” look that no one thinks twice about at 45 gives the appearance of middle age, even when you’re in your twenties. The classic “horseshoe bald” appearance is considered to be the providence of the elderly.

So men who have lost all their hair except that on the sides and back of the head have the appearance of an elderly man.

Hair loss can cost you money.

Employers today are interested in youth. Generally speaking, people who appear younger are seen as healthier (which translates to less sick time), more energetic (which translates to more work hours) and less encumbered by family obligations (which translates into more availability). Of course these are unfair generalizations, and employers should not judge you by your appearance.

But they DO!